Dear Pinnacle Clients:
We hope that you are all doing well with the recent crisis developments. There are so many new things happening right now and so much uncertainty. These kinds of times can heighten concerns for some people — that is NORMAL! We want you to know that our Pinnacle staff is still here for you.
Since we are being encouraged to “self-quarantine” and limit our in-person interactions we are providing telehealth options for our clients. Please consider taking advantage of this service for your continued well-being.
What is telehealth?
It is a way of meeting for medical and mental health appointments via secured phone or video connection.
Is it safe? Will my information be kept private?
YES! Our telehealth programs that we use at Pinnacle are all security-encrypted and HIPAA approved. We take your privacy VERY seriously.
Is this kind of session covered by my insurance?
Most insurance companies cover this kind of therapy. In fact, last year our California Governor signed this into law as a means of providing our California residents different options to still have medical and mental health appointments in the event that they were not able to attend their appointments in person. Some insurance companies are being very generous with their coverage — especially right now — and are allowing all forms of HIPAA approved telehealth sessions. Some insurance companies are requiring that we fill out extra forms and take some extra steps to get signed up with them. We are complying with their requests. The best way to find out if you are covered is to call Jeni or Kelli and to ask them to check for you OR you can call your insurance and ask if they will cover telehealth benefits. You may want to remind them that Governor Newsom has already signed this into law. 😉
What if I’m not a current client? Can I still schedule a session for someone at Pinnacle?
YES! Please call us to find out more about this option.
If you have a question about whether or not you are covered or if you would like to book a telehealth session please call us @ 925-384-3997.
We are still here — it just looks a little different right now — but we are here for you!